Sunday, November 13, 2016

Prompt #4- Delivery and Style

(Image Credit:,,
      If you ever wanted to obtain information about the medical field this is what you should be reading! In the medical field there are different types of resources that are meant for different audiences. In a scholarly article I read about stem cells, it discussed some of the controversial topics against stem cells and how stem cells work for different diseases ( Li, Ming para 6). The delivery of  the information was written for people who have the intellect about stem cells, the research, and the scientific terms. It is also written by multiple authors that either have a profession in the medical field or have done research about stem cells. However, more formal resources like blogs provide the same information but are intended for the common people who may not have the professional understanding of scholarly articles.
    Reading a blog versus reading a scholarly article, there are noticeable differences between the two. Reading the scholarly article, there was little to none information written on the basics of what stem cells are. That is because the intended audience is for people have the understanding of stem cells. However, in a scholarly article there are graphs and charts used to justify results found from the research. As opposed to blogs, where the intended audience is for the everyday common person, it starts off with a more informative approach about stem cell that transition into bringing awareness about the topic then relate it to the everyday world (International Society para. 1) On the other hand blogs can be written by anyone therefore it lacks the concrete facts to support the claims in the article.
     From this comparison it is shown scholarly articles would be more credible. It has pictures and graphs to explain and prove the information posted in the article. Also because of the location that it is posted from we know that it is more credible. The blog was posted on a websites where anyone can state things that may or may not be true. However, the scholarly article was posted through a library data base where the information is extensively checked for accuracy. From the blog we get more informal information about stem cells and how they relate to the average person and from the scholarly article we get facts about stem cells and research that pertains to it. This shows how there are many different ways to obtain information about the medical field and how you should first recognize what type of information you are looking so that you will go to the right place for it.


Li, Ming, Kequan Guo, and Susumu Ikehara. "Stem Cell Treatment for Alzheimer's Disease." International Journal of Molecular Sciences 15.10 (2014): 19226-38. ProQuest. Web. 28 Nov. 2016.

International Society For Stem Cell Research. "Stem Cells in Focus." Blog. N.p., 19 Oct. 2016. Web. 28 Nov. 2016.

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