Sunday, November 27, 2016

Synthesis Post

The medical field is a forever evolving field and is expanding rapidly. It is arguably one of the best fields for young people to enter. Working in the medical field allows you to help people directly and offers opportunities to learn something new everyday. Currently, there is a great need for physicians and often medical students receive job offers the day after graduation. Whether it is the rewarding experience of bettering a patients life, the large paychecks, or job security, many young people should be drawn to this field. As future healthcare professionals, we are fascinated by how challenges in modern medicine are being surmounted and influence the healthcare of tomorrow. Our blog inspires those that come after us to pursue a career in medicine by exploring the exciting innovative opportunities and personal rewards within medical field.

Our blog team has chosen to go into the medical field for reasons, but we recognize that not enough students chose this field. The demand for doctors or other healthcare professionals exceeds the amount of people entering the field. As aspiring physicians, we have chosen to get involved within medical field early because it is important to gain experience to become a competitive candidate for medical school. As undergraduate students, one way to get involved is through research opportunities. Our blog discusses new research and progress made in medicine, such ad marijuana on the brain and new surgery techniques.

The medical field may be intimidating or boring to some, but there are many unique and exciting aspects of the field. Our blog discusses some of the most interesting aspects of medicine.  From the controversial topic of physician assisted suicide, to becoming more mentally tough from a psychological standpoint, to the effects of kissing another person. The blog provides resources on how to pursue a premedical degree in the "So, You're Thinking About Being a Premed?" post, along with how to obtain accurate information about medicine in the "Delivery vs Style" post. Although the process of entering the medical field is strenuous, it is made obvious through our blog that it is worth it.

The advancements and milestones that our blog discusses have substantially influenced the medical field. Our blog mentions the interesting aspects of medicine that are occurring, as well as advancements that have made a global impact. An example of this can be found in the "Stem Cells- Medical Advancement" post. This post discusses the significance of stem cell research. Stem cells could revolutionize the way we treat many debilitating diseases, but is extremely controversial. Another interesting, yet globally significant topic was mentioned in "The Bionic Arm" post. This post discussed robotic prosthetic arm that is able to receive signals from the brain, allowing it to function almost as a natural limb would. These posts, along with the rest of our blog examines the obstacles that are being surmounted by researchers and how the medical community is community is influenced by these achievements.

Our goal is to inspire our readers with the incredible achievements the medical field is currently making. We also hope to influence our readers to research to research these topics more in depth, just as we have. Through this blogging experience, we have become aware of the importance of the revolutionary contributions of research in medicine. We also learned how to research efficiently and effectively summarize complicated research. Researching advancements in healthcare has illustrated where the medical field is headed towards when we finally become doctors and has allowed us to take a more proactive role in our premedical education. 

Advancements in Surgery Operations

By: Kanedra Thaxton

Sometimes undergoing surgery could be very dangerous for your body and it can leave you with huge scars. However, there are advancements occurring with the procedures of surgery. According to CNN, a surgery called Laparoscopic is becoming the surgery that is used the most (CNN slide. 6). Laparoscopic surgery is also known as minimally invasive surgery or bandaid surgery because it requires small incisions (CNN). Patients who undergo Laparoscopic have a shorter recovery time and have smaller scars. CNN also states that the future for surgery operation will contain an increase in natural orifice, which are surgeries that are performed through natural openings like your mouth or anus (CNN).

I thought that this article stood out the most because it is explaining where my dream career is headed. If you are thinking about becoming a surgeon this is something that you should be informed about. The article is saying that soon, surgeries will not be the same and you have to make sure that this is still the career you want to pursue. It is important to always stay updated with new innovations and techniques that are being used when it comes to the medical field. It is always evolving and if you are more informed about the changes you will be able to make better decisions pertaining to your career.


CNN. "10 Medical Advancements in the Last 10 Years." CNN. Cable News Network, 5 June 2013. Web. 28 Nov. 2016.

Music and Medicine

By: Lesly Morales

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    Music has been around for thousands of years. Most individuals listen to music in order to distract and destress themselves. Studies have shown that music can be a form of medicine used in a variety of ways. Research in music therapy supports its effectiveness in a wide variety of healthcare and educational settings. Music therapy interventions can be designed to promote wellness, manage stress, alleviate pain, express feelings, enhance memory, improve communication, and promote physical rehabilitation.

   Today, music therapy is most commonly used for people undergoing a cardiac procedure and for those recovering from a heart attack or learning to cope with heart failure or other cardiovascular condition. In a trial conducted, it had been discovered that adding music therapy to a standard cardiac rehabilitation led to a better control of blood pressure, along with better general and mental health, than rehab alone. Music therapy also helps with sleep deprivation, reduces stress, and melts away anxiety.

   There is an undergoing study revolved around whether sound vibrations absorbed through the body can help ease the symptoms of Parkinson's disease, fibromyalgia, and depression. The goal of this work is to develop "dosable" and "prescribable" music therapy and music as medicine protocols that serve specific neuerologic functions and attend to deficits that may result from many of these neurologically based conditions.

   If you are a medical student who happens to have a passion for music, you may find yourself looking into music therapy as a career. Who knows you may find out how music can help in other ways. Or if you make music and are studying medicine maybe you can create the perfect sounds in order to relieve stress, better the heart, or help the mind.


Doctors Without Borders

By: Lesly Morales

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    Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres help people worldwide where the need is greatest, delivering emergency medical aid to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from health care. Doctors without borders is an international humanitarian-aid non-government organization and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, best known for its projects in war-torn regions and developing countries facing endemic diseases. The organization actively provides healthcare and medical training to populations in about 70 countries and frequently insists on political responsibility in conflict zones such as Chechnya and Kosovo.

    In order to be able to speak and act freely, MSF remains independent of any political, religious or economic powers. Doctors without borders also brings awareness to the lack of effective treatments and vaccines available in developing countries. Medical volunteers include physicians, surgeons, nursers, and other varied specialists. Vaccination campaigns are a major part of the medical care provided during MSF missions. Diseases such as diphtheria, measles, meningitis, tetanus, pertussis, yellow fever, polio, and cholera, all of which are uncommon in developed countries, may be prevented with vaccination.

     Doctors Without Borders is important for underdeveloped countries. They provide the medical assistance and training needed for developing countries. Doctors Without Borders has saved countless of lives and given hope to several countries. For students interested in the medical field, this is a way to gain experience and to conduct research as well. In addition to their field work, Doctors without borders publishes a wide range of research papers drawn from firsthand experience with vulnerable populations.

Works Cited:

Advancements in HIV Treatments

By: Lesly Morales
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    Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) has been circulating among people for about 100 years. HIV attacks the body's immune system, specifically CD4 cells (T cells), which help the immune system fight off infections. If left untreated, HIV reduces the number of T-cells in the body, making the person more likely to get infections or infection-related cancers. Over time, HIV  can destroy  so many of these cells that the body can't fight off infections leaving the body with a very weak immune system which signals the presence of AIDS, the last state of HIV infection.

   There is no known cure for HIV, but throughout the years doctors have come up with different drugs in order to stop the virus from spreading and reproducing. In the past years, patients diagnosed with HIV were prescribe a "cocktail" of medicines. This means they had several pills to take at different times and keeping a schedule was hectic. Doctors over the years have created just one pill to replace the cocktail of medicines you would have to take.

   The newest treatment for HIV is known as Antiretroviral therapy (ART), along with one-pill-a-day drugs which make life with HIV easier and safer. ART works by combining drugs that attack the virus in different ways. Doctors measure HIV by the viral load in your bloodstreams. The goal of  the treatment is to get the viral load so low that tests cant even detect the virus anymore.

   Advancements in HIV treatments are always evolving and there is always a need because there is still no known cure for HIV. All the treatments do is stabilize the virus. HIV has become more common over the years such as other illnesses like diabetes or high blood pressure. For students entering the medical field this gives them a chance to research HIV in depth and hopefully find a cure in the future.


A Doctor in Your Pocket

By: Lesly Morales

     Long ago i posted about the app that helps you skip the dreadful waiting of the Emergency room. Today, I will talk about an app that reduces waiting by 100% and provides you with the care you need without leaving the comfort of your home. This app is called Doctor On Demand. With this app, you will have access to 1,400 doctors, and 300 psychologists at the tip of your fingers (literally).

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Mission Statement
"Lack of access to health care providers in the United States is a massive, growing problem. The average wait time to see a physician is three weeks. More than half of the patients with mental issues go without treatment. We're not getting the care that we need. We built Doctor on Demand to help address this problem."

    Doctor on demand treats most common illnesses quickly and efficiently through a video chat session. Live video doctor visits include assessments, diagnosis and prescriptions when necessary. In order to utilize Doctor on Demand, you will need to pay for each session, but they are cheaper compared to the actual doctor visits. Some health insurance agencies cover doctor on demand.

    Doctor on demand is important for the citizens who do not have access to a nearby doctor or who have no means of transportation. For students pursuing the medical field, this means that you will be able to consult with a patient from almost anywhere, and you can work from home.


Advancements in Understanding Alzheimer's

By: Amanda Ziminski

Alzheimer's disease is a disease that destroys a memory and other mental functions. In Alzheimer's brain cells and their connections degenerate and die, which eventually destroys the memory and causes confusion. Currently, no cure exists, but medications and management strategies may improve symptoms.

Alzheimer's is very debilitating and affects one in three seniors. The need for better ways to screen and treat the disease is urgent. There has been a lot of progress made in Alzheimer's research over the past year including:

Gender Gaps: Women have been found to decline twice as fast as men do in memory and thinking skills, which may explain why more women are diagnosed with Alzheimer's.

Early Warning Signs: Scientists found that how well you did in school can be a good predictor of Alzheimer's later in life. This is because the cognitive reserve produced by intellectual skills inforced in school can compensate for the deteriorating nerves.

Promising Drugs: Scientists have found two drugs that have been proven to be effective, but more long term studies must be done.

Alzheimer's disease is a disease that has impacted almost everyone in the United States. Many of our grandparents, friend's grandparents, or other loved ones has been diagnosed with this unfortunate disease. This disease causes a great deal of suffering not only for it's victim, but their family as well. This is why it is important to push for research and better treatments.  

Works Cited:

Oaklander, Mandy. "Noteworthy Advances in Alzheimer's Understanding." TIME 100 New Health     Discoveries 2015: 49. Print. 

Not sure how to pay for medical school?

By: Lesly Morales
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    If you are in college, like myself, currently pursuing and undergraduate degree and have no idea how you will be able to pay for medical school, do not fret my friend because you are not alone. In this post I am going to explain an alternative way to pay for medical school, the way i actually plan on paying myself. If you are like me a first generation college student, with no income then college seems stressful already. Taking out loans to simply pay for an undergraduate degree but what about medical school? Would you take out more loans? The answer is NO.

    You do not need to take out even more loans in order to pay for medical school. An alternative way to pay for medical school is simply joining the military. More specifically joining the Army. If you join the Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP) before starting medical school, the military will cover 100% of your tuition. In exchange, you will have to owe four years of active service before, during, or after your residency.

     If I have not convinced you yet, hopefully what I am about to say will. In addition to having your tuition paid, HPSP students will also receive a monthly stipend of more than 2000 dollars. Maybe the military isn't your thing but if it helps pay for medical school why not take a chance? This is only the option I will be taking advantage of, surely there are many more. Hopefully I have encouraged you to at least think about joining.

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Brain-limb connection

By- Shivang Tripathi

              Currently, researchers are working on linking the brain of an amputee to a robotic limb. Prior to this research, brain implants were used to help move these artificial limbs but this had limited success because the person had to think about each limited action. But now researchers are putting the implants in the brain areas that control the intention to move, and not just the physical movements themselves. This information is important to us because it allows to understand that amputee patients will soon enough be able to fluidly guide a robotic limb.


Wearable medical device market reaches $13 billion

By- Shivang Tripathi

         The global wearable medical device market is valued at just more than $13.2 billion in 2016. This market is expanding rapidly due to the overwhelming need to monitor diseases and aging populations. These wearable devices are no longer only focused on one measurement- such as how many steps taken in a day- but are focusing on many different bodily measures such as heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, and many others. It is important that people within the medical industry study the development of these devices because they will revolutionize the way we live. People currently focusing on the medical field should look into ways we can better and evolve the use of these products.


20 Medical Technology Advances: New Diseases

By- Shivang Tripathi

             According to MedicalFuturist, it is stated that new diseases will develop overtime due to the excess use of virtual reality solutions in gaming and other industries. Examples include virtual post traumatic stress disorder from intense video games in the future such as virtual Call of Duty. It is said that these gamers may experience similar symptoms to soldiers who fought in real wars. This information is very important to the future of the medical industry because it gives us an idea on what kind of issues and health problems we should prepare for in the future.


Sunday, November 13, 2016

Prompt #4- Delivery and Style

(Image Credit:,,
      If you ever wanted to obtain information about the medical field this is what you should be reading! In the medical field there are different types of resources that are meant for different audiences. In a scholarly article I read about stem cells, it discussed some of the controversial topics against stem cells and how stem cells work for different diseases ( Li, Ming para 6). The delivery of  the information was written for people who have the intellect about stem cells, the research, and the scientific terms. It is also written by multiple authors that either have a profession in the medical field or have done research about stem cells. However, more formal resources like blogs provide the same information but are intended for the common people who may not have the professional understanding of scholarly articles.
    Reading a blog versus reading a scholarly article, there are noticeable differences between the two. Reading the scholarly article, there was little to none information written on the basics of what stem cells are. That is because the intended audience is for people have the understanding of stem cells. However, in a scholarly article there are graphs and charts used to justify results found from the research. As opposed to blogs, where the intended audience is for the everyday common person, it starts off with a more informative approach about stem cell that transition into bringing awareness about the topic then relate it to the everyday world (International Society para. 1) On the other hand blogs can be written by anyone therefore it lacks the concrete facts to support the claims in the article.
     From this comparison it is shown scholarly articles would be more credible. It has pictures and graphs to explain and prove the information posted in the article. Also because of the location that it is posted from we know that it is more credible. The blog was posted on a websites where anyone can state things that may or may not be true. However, the scholarly article was posted through a library data base where the information is extensively checked for accuracy. From the blog we get more informal information about stem cells and how they relate to the average person and from the scholarly article we get facts about stem cells and research that pertains to it. This shows how there are many different ways to obtain information about the medical field and how you should first recognize what type of information you are looking so that you will go to the right place for it.


Li, Ming, Kequan Guo, and Susumu Ikehara. "Stem Cell Treatment for Alzheimer's Disease." International Journal of Molecular Sciences 15.10 (2014): 19226-38. ProQuest. Web. 28 Nov. 2016.

International Society For Stem Cell Research. "Stem Cells in Focus." Blog. N.p., 19 Oct. 2016. Web. 28 Nov. 2016.

Simple Food Additive Slows E Coli. Poisoning

By: Shivang Tripathi

          Polysorbate, a safe additive found in everything from ice cream to cosmetics, has been proven to slow the effects of E. coli poisoning. The findings show that polysorbates attack the protective biolfilm in which e coli lives, said Chris Waters, Michigan State University associate professor of microbiology and molecular genetics whose laboratory led the research. Waters, along with his team, conducted an experiment on mice to determine if the compound was effective. 80 mice infected with e coli were administered polysorbate 80. The results of the experiment showed that polysorbate blocked all toxicity, even though it didn't reduce the amount of bacteria. Analysis of this experiment showed that polysorbate 80 strips E. coli of its ability to cause disease allowing the bacteria to pass through the body’s intestinal tract without causing damage. “Antibiotic use can often cause more harm than good with these types of E. coli infections because it causes the bacteria to release more toxin and it drives antimicrobial resistance,” Waters said. “Our results indicate that polysorbate 80 makes this strain of E. coli harmless, without these negative side effects. More tests are currently being done on the effects of Polysorbate. This information is very important to the general public because it shows us that their is a possible, safe replacement for harmful antibiotics.


Marijuana and the Brain

By: Amanda Ziminski

Researchers have long suggested marijuana can cause memory loss. Now, a new study by Dr. Giovanni Marsicano, of the University of Bordeaux in France, her and team which was published in the journal Nature, provides insight on this association, revealing how cannabinoids in the drug activate receptors in the mitochondria of the brain's memory center to cause amnesia.


Cannabinoids are chemicals present in marijuana, as well as synthetic forms of the drug. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), there are more than 100 cannabinoids in marijuana, including the main psychoactive compound delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). These cannabinoids are similar in structure to cannabinoids that occur in the body naturally. Naturally occurring cannabinoids function as neurotransmitters. They send signals between neurons, which are nerve cells and affect various brain regions, including those responsible for emotion, movement, coordination, sensory perception, and memory and thinking.


Because THC and other cannabinoids in marijuana are similar to naturally occurring cannabinoids, they are able to bind to cannabinoid receptors situated on neurons and activate certain brain regions. This can lead to cannabinoids messing up normal brain functioning, by causing a lot of negative mental and physical effects. One effect may be memory loss. Researchers have shown that THC can affect the function of the hippocampus, the brain region responsible for forming memories.


Works Cited:

Whiteman, Honnor. "How Marijuana Causes Memory Loss." Medical News Today. MediLexicon International, 12 Nov. 2016. Web. 13 Nov. 2016.

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Sunday, November 6, 2016

prompt #10 Recognizing Truth

By: Lesly Morales
                                                                               Image Credit (

      The show House M.D. is about a pain killer addict, arrogant, rude, and a genius doctor who diagnoses and treat patients with the help of his diagnosticians. The show is about his relationship with his colleagues, the way he deals with patients, and how he solves/discovers what is wrong and how to treats them.  Although the show is very entertaining, the medical side is not entirely accurate.

     To start off, if a doctor were addicted to pain killers then he would lose his job. There is no tolerance for drug abuse in the medical field. The show portrays only the doctor and his team doing everything themselves, when in reality there are several others involved in administering tests, getting the tools ready, and an actual surgeon for surgery. In the medical field there are numerous people involved when it comes to the patient and their treatment.

    In some episodes the actual practice of medicine is wrong. The symptoms the doctor diagnosed the patient do not match with the sickness. In real life a doctor does not devote as much time as the doctors in the show do. Season 2 episode 13 is probably the most accurate episode in terms of medicine. On the other hand season 6 episode 6 was the least accurate.


Vaccinations and Birth Defects


By: Amanda Ziminski

Many people are quick to blame vaccinations as the cause of birth defects, amongst other health anomalies. Part of this is due to the misinformation plastered all over your news feed on Facebook, or it could be from your physician not explaining things well enough, or perhaps people have conspiracy theories that doctors are out to get you. However, there are multiple studies that are performed on vaccination safety before vaccines are even made available to the public, and once they are released vaccinations are heavily monitored by many organizations. Vaccinations aren't something that is taken lightly. They are handled meticulously, with extreme caution.

One common vaccine is the tetanus, diphtheria, and acelluar pertussis (Tdap). It vaccinates against the three diseases mentioned within the name, tetanus, diphtheria, and acelluar pertussis. These three diseases are now controlled due to the vaccination's efforts. However, these three diseases can be very harmful and sometimes fatal. They have the potential to cause very harmful side affects. In 2012, the U.S. Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommended that Tdap vaccine be administered during every pregnancy.

Cases of microcephaly, which is an abnormally small head due to failure of brain growth in Brazil increased substantially during 2015, likely associated with the zika virus infections. However, these cases overlapped with the November 2014 initiation of Brazil's maternal Tdap program. This led many people, as always, to point their fingers at the vaccine as the culprit. To test if the blame was correct a study was performed.

In the study, Malini DeSilva, M.D., M.P.H., of HealthPartners Institute, Minneapolis, and colleagues included data from live births at 7 Vaccine Safety Datalink sites from January 2007 through September 2013 and compared prevalence of structural birth defects between infants born to women who received Tdap during pregnancy and unvaccinated women. Analyses included 324,463 live births. The researchers found that maternal Tdap was not significantly associated with increased risk for microcephaly.

After completing the study, the researchers recommend that pregnant women still receive the vaccine. There was no significant correlation to the Tdap and microcephaly, just as there is no correlation between vaccines and autism, which was proven in 2002. Although there is incidents where vaccinations are harmful, it is important to do your research before jumping to conclusions, or believing a story your coworker shared on Facebook. Getting vaccinated is great way to prevent infectious diseases and maintain public health.

Works Cited:

No association found between Tdap vaccination during pregnancy and microcephaly, structural birth defects in offspring. (2016, November 2). Retrieved November 6, 2016, from

Brain on LSD Revealed: First scans shows how the drug affects the brain

By- Shivang Tripathi

In a study conducted by Imperial College in London,  researchers were able to visualize the effects of LSD on the human brain. 20 healthy volunteers were administered small doses of the substance. A major finding of the research is the discovery of what happens in the brain when people experience complex dreamlike hallucinations under LSD. Dr Carhart-Harris explained: "Normally our brain consists of independent networks that perform separate specialized functions, such as vision, movement and hearing -- as well as more complex things like attention. However, under LSD the separateness of these networks breaks down and instead you see a more integrated or unified brain." In this article, it is stated that music listening and LSD may be a powerful therapeutic combination if provided in the right way. It is very interesting that many substances that were once classified as dangerous and illicit drugs, are now being retested to see if they contain and therapeutic values. This information can be helpful to people around the world because this article reveals a new substance that has the potential to help people with psychological health issues.


Safer Surgeries

By: Kanedra Thaxton

      Recently, the World Health Organization has noticed the numbers for surgical site infections in the United States are high. A surgical site infection is an infection that is caused by bacteria that gets in through incisions made during surgery (World Health Organization para 3). The World Health Organization have recommendations and guidelines to help patients prevent infections. That includes   informing patients about when to use antibiotics or what disinfectants to use before incision (World Health Organization para 6).
     One of the problems most patients do not know is antibiotics are not supposed to be used after surgery. On the guidelines it says antibiotics are supposed to be used to prevent infections and the misuse is increasing in humans and animals(World Health Organization para 10). Since people are misusing the antibiotics it is making the benefits of modern day medicine dangerous. Today, our physicians are able to do cesarean sections, hip replacements, cancer chemotherapy and more but the antibiotics resistance is leading to longer hospital stays and increased mortality (World Health Organization para 11). The World Health Organization is trying to reduce the dangerous of surgery by developing a guide for patients by "implementing preventive measures" (World Health Organization 12).
    This problem with misusing antibiotics is a very important to know about. Personally, I didn't know that I wasn't supposed to take antibiotics after having a surgery. This shows that there is a lack of knowledge about the current issue to patient and important information being left out from the physician to the patient. In order to solve this problem there should be more communication between  patients and their physicians about preventive measures that need to taken when taking antibiotics. Not only should there be more communication between patients and physicians, physicians should be held accountable for upholding their responsibilities to ensure safety amongst the patient.