Sunday, October 9, 2016

prompt #7 Contemplating Controversy

By: Lesly Morales

Physician Assisted Suicide an Evil or a Good?

Image result for euthanasia
(Image Credit:

Imagine you were diagnosed with a terminally ill disease and the doctors said you only had six months to live. Two months have passed since the doctors gave you the news, and the pain has slowly started creeping in. For each day that passes the pain gets stronger and stronger until you have to be on so many pain killers you cant even count, but you still feel the pain. This is the case for many unfortunate Americans who are diagnosed with terminally ill diseases. Many patients alike have wanted to just end their life then and there instead of living with the pain until the last second they breathe. They don't want their families to watch them suffer with each passing day. For some patients their requests are met but for others they spend their last days in pain until they finally pass.

Many doctors have been tried and charged with murder for helping their patients end their lives, but is what theyre doing right or wrong? In the United States alone, physician assisted suicide is legan in 5 states (California, Oregon, Vermont, Washington, Montana.) For the rest of the states it causes a huge controversy. Religion poses a huge contribution for the reason of controversy. Religion is respected in the medical field but it is not governed by it.

What do you think? Should a terminally ill patient, suffering more and more each day have the right to end their live or not?

1 comment:

  1. I feel like if it is the ultimate wish of the patient's then the doctor should be allowed to assist the suicide of him/her. Though saddening, I certainly would not want to see my loved one suffer until death. At the end of the day, if it's your life then you are in control.
