Sunday, September 18, 2016

Advances in the Emergency Room

By: Lesly Morales

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       The emergency room is always chaotic and the line of people waiting is never ending, but with InQuicker (an invention that will reduce waiting in the hospital) the days of waiting are over. St. Mary Medical Center in Hobart recently launched InQuick and they have reduced the number of people waiting in line for hours.

InQuicker is an app you can download on your phone. Once downloaded whenever you have to go to the hospital you check in through the app and do the waiting at home rather than in a busy, boring waiting room. InQuicker is currently used in hospitals and clinics nationwide.

InQuicker is intended only for individuals with medical conditions that are not serious or life-threatening. The system is designed to filter certain symptom keywords that may indicate a life-threatening or debilitating medical condition. People with those medical conditions are prompted to dial 911 or go immediately to the nearest emergency room.

visit here for more information.

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